Tuesday, March 20, 2012


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Shakespeare uses the opposition of light and darkness to express the dramatic conflicts in Othello through the race and colour of Othello, the time at which events take place, and by portraying Desdemona and Iago as contrasting symbols, good and evil.

Othello is a professional soldier and a servant of the State of Venice. He is a Moor, a Moslem Negro from North Africa and has worked hard all his life to achieve the same honourable credibility as a white man.

The play takes place at a time when racism and hatred of gBlacksh is common and it is because of this that Othello is set apart and isolated from the Venetian World he lives in. People treat him differently because of his colour and it is no wonder that, when Othello secretly marries the daughter of the Venetian Senator, Brabantio, dramatic conflicts arise.

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E.g. Brabantio looks to Othello with admiration and affection as a soldier, but once Iago has revealed to him that his daughter, Desdemona, has secretly married Othello and that gan old black ram is tupping (his) white eweh, he is confronted and forced to evaluate his current situation with Othello. He resorts to making racial comments to his face, calling him a gwheeling strangerh and even accuses Othello of corrupting Desdemona with gspells and medicinesh because he cannot accept the fact that his daughter has fallen in love with a Moor. This causes conflict between Othello and Brabantio and Brabantio ends up dying of a broken heart.

Iago, an evil minded character, uses Othellofs colour to his own advantage, calling him a gBarbary horseh behind his back but pretending to be Othellofs gloyalh and ghonesth friend to his face so that he can carry out his own evil agenda without being caught. He convinces Othello that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio and has only married him to rebel against her father. Once Othello starts to think of himself as a gtypicalh black man and believes ghaply for (he is) blackh that Desdemona cannot possible love him, the seeds of tragedy are sown as his shattered self-esteem causes him to murder his innocent wife.

The black colour of Othello causes many dramatic conflicts to arise because at the time of the play racial prejudice was highly common and many social conflicts arose from this.

Shakespeare uses the timing of events to express dramatic conflicts in the play as happy, innocent events occur during the day, while all evil plans are carried out during the night, when it is dark.

E.g. Othello and Desdemonafs happiest moment together occurs during the day and occurs after Othello has arrived safely in Cyprus after avoiding a terrible storm which has wiped out the Turkish troops. Once Othello sets eyes on his gsweeth Desdemona he expresses how much he really loves her by saying gIf it were now to die/eTwere now to be most happyh.

After this day nothing is ever the same as Iago interferes and destroys the strong relationship Othello and his wife once had. All of Iagofs evil plans occur during the night so that he can remain hidden in the shadows.

E.g. Iago and Roderigo expose Desdemonafs secret marriage to Othello to Brabantio in the middle of the night and Iagofs plan to make Cassio drunk so ghefll be as full of quarrel and offenceh and lose his title as Lieutenant is carried out on Desdemona and Othellofs wedding night. As Iago succeeds with his evil plans, the events worsen and even lead to murder. Iago persuades Roderigo to murder Cassio during the night, with Roderigo not knowing gwhether he kill Cassio/Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other/Every way makes (Iagofs) gainh. Perhaps the most treacherous murder is carried out by Othello himself as he murders his innocent wife by candlelight in their bedchamber. Thanks to Iago, Othello thinks he must gput out the lighth and Desdemona gmust die, else shefll betray more menh.

The time at which events take place helps express dramatic conflicts in the play as the contrast between darkness and light helps to portray the true nature of events as they happen during the day or during the night.

Desdemona and Iago are complete opposites of each other and Shakespeare portrays them as contrasting symbols, good and evil.

Desdemona represents all that is good in the play and remains humble and holy until her death. Perhaps her good heart is one of the causes of her death as she persists to help Cassio, not knowing that Othello is suspicious of her relationship with him. She suffers every insult and accusation without protest and when Othello actually hits her on the face and demands her to leave the room, she merely replies gI will not stay to offend youh. Desdemonafs lack of character development helps us to view her as a symbol of purity-her white against the black contaminating evil of Iago that sweeps over Othello.

Iago is a villain with an evil mind and everything he does is because of his gevilh nature. On the outside he appears to be ghonesth but is really plotting and devious. Like Desdemona, he never changes and uses everyone in the play, including his wife Emilia, for his own personal gain. gIn following him, I follow but myselfh. He is seen as the gdevilh and even when he is captured for all the crimes he has committed, he still refuses to speak and give any explanation for his conduct. gFrom this time forth I never will speak wordh. These are the last words we ever hear from Iago before he is taken away for his punishment.

Overall, Shakespeare uses the opposition of light and darkness in many ways to help express dramatic conflicts, including the physical contrast-skin colour and night and day, and the spiritual contrast-good and evil. Othello is truly a tragedy about good and evil and the consequences that arise when evil conquers.

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