Friday, May 4, 2012

The Jungle

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The socialist movement swept the country around the turn of the twentieth century. Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle in 106 to inform the public of the working class’s situation and to promote socialism. In his novel, he explicates the evils of capitalism and the growing spirits of socialism that most Americans faced during the late 1800s through early 100’s. During the Gilded Age, socialist, capitalist, corruption in the cities, and unions played a major role into shaping the beginning of the 0th century.

In his novel, Sinclair uses some symbolism to explain the harsh reality of this era. The Jungle actually symbolizes the capitalist idea of the survival of the fittest. Only the rich are able to survive in the capitalist society. These powerful rulers are able to use the weak and poor to make themselves stronger through bribes and other scandals. In this novel, Mike Scully uses his powers as a political boss, and Jurgis to help him obtain his objectives. Another symbol is the town of Packington and its stockyards. They symbolize the exploitation of poor workers. In Packingtown’s stockyards, scandals from prostitution rings to unsanitary meat processing take place. As long as the owners of the stockyards get what they want, they do not care who they must take advantage of. These owners sell unsuspecting consumers rotten meat. This rotten meat symbolizes the deceitfulness of capitalism.

During the 100s, capitalism reached its peak of power. According to Capitalism Magazine, under this system, a small minority group owns the producing and distributing of goods. Jurgis faced many troubles from the capitalistic society. This inhumane, greedy, brutal, and unjust system completely shattered the working class. In this novel, you can observe how uncompassionate the Capitalists are by their willingness to sell diseased meat to unsuspecting purchasers just to make extra money. The capitalistic society takes virtuous hard workers and transforms them into dishonest heartless criminals. This is apparent throughout the story. At the beginning on the novel, Jurgis is a hard worker who honestly tries to support his family, but towards the end, Jurgis results to stealing, cheating, and deceiving others. The author of Socialism From Below, David McNally states that only the corrupt can truly survive in this system.

During the Gilded Age, the working environment was also appalling. In his novel, Sinclair reveals that the long hard hours and dreadful working conditions yielded little pay. In the novel, Jurgis receives a little over two dollars a day for twelve-hour labor. Dede Antanas, Jurgis’s father, must give one-third of his wages to a man that helped him obtain his job since he is an old man and work is hard to find. This practice was heavily used during this time in many of the factory cities. In addition to low pay, the sanitation of most plants were foul. “The meat would be shoveled into carts, and the man who did the shoveling would not trouble to lift out a rat even when he saw one�there were things that went into the sausage in comparison with which a poisoned rat was a tidbit. There was no place for the men to wash their hands before they ate their dinner, and so they made a practice of washing them in the water that was to be ladled into the sausage. There were the butt-ends of smoked meat, and the scraps of corned beef, and all the odds and ends of the waste of the plants, that would be dumped into old barrels in the cellar and left there. “ This exert from chapter fourteen describes how grossest the conditions in the stockyards were. When Jurgis first discovers that government inspectors who are suppose to check the slaughtered pigs for tuberculosis let several carcasses go unchecked, he is appalled. Spoiled meat, cow fetuses, and animals dead from diseases are scattered among the other clean meat in preparation for canning and packing.

One of the major problems facing the major cities was corruption. The political boss controlled thousands of municipal jobs. He ascended over the sanitation, police, fire departments, business licenses, and court systems. These bosses would gain loyalty from the people through giving money to schools, hospitals, and orphanages. Jurgis begins to realize that corruption exists in the city when Ona is raped by her boss, but she can not do anything about the situation, for fear of being blacklisted. Jurgis attacks her boss, but is sent to jail and receives an unfair trial. Later in the novel, Jurgis meets Mike Scully, a democrat political boss who makes money off selling old, cheap houses for very high prices and rigging many elections. Jurgis gets an inside view of the political underworld while working for some famous political criminals. The democratic Scully makes a deal with the Republicans to have them elected. He pays Jurgis three hundred dollars to join the union, and help the Republican candidate become elected.

In order to fight the corruption, indigent workers joined unions. These unions banned together in tough times to receive better conditions. If the union was unhappy with something that their boss would not improve, they would go on strike until one of the groups gave in. Often times, the owners of the factories would have criminals and bums come to work for them in time of a strike. Scabs were workers who would not join the strike and continued to work. Jurgis wanted to maintain his employment at the meat packing plant so he continues work there as a scab. These situations forced the destitute to do any work for survival.

I have concluded that by publishing his novel, Upton Sinclair helped change America. He opened America’s eyes to the idea that if the working class banded together, they could give rise to a reform of socialism. Sinclair alarmed the public with the unsanitary stockyards. This was not the main issue he was trying to address in his novel, but it helped pass the Food and Drug Act. Sinclair stated that, “ I aimed at the publics heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach.” The reform of this era is what shaped our democratic society today. Since the early 100’s, we have broken free of the capitalist chains and risen to a less corrupt environment with more socialist views.

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